One of the so-called universal truths, we all must face whether like it or not, is that everything comes to an end eventually. People move away, switch jobs, end relationships, retire, and ultimately leave this world. Endings are inevitable and the most painful goodbyes are the ones that are either not expressed or explained.
And when it is time to say goodbye in the present, we can always return to reflection of the past. In times of great change, especially the fact that covid 19 pandemic has affected all of us, it can be hard to find the words to express the strong emotions we feel and somehow draw the “finish” line after a certain period of collective efforts and milestones already done in the project.
Reflecting about the past eight months of the piloting experience within the HEROINES’s versatile curriculum topics brought in a new perspective – gently, barely noticeable, and maybe already hiding somewhere deep in all of us, quietly whispering: Is this really the end of the story? Where to from here? Having the experience of working with participants throughout the past months we have surely learnt (among many others) one thing and that is, we do have control over our stories, we do have the power to change the prevailing narrative and we DO have the power to express how the story is going to end...OR CONTINUE.
For us, ending the piloting means a promising new beginning – thinking about providing more space in the future months to use the curriculum topics and structure to continue with sessions within our regular work. The versatile approaches and thematic are great to combine with other activities we do, thus they foster mindfulness, creativity and evoke the element of turning back to “self” – sharing the positive experience from our partnership organisations has opened up new opportunities in how to use writing therapy and approaches to work with people under risk of exclusion. Yes, we can say…let us start something NEW.
OZARA d.o.o.
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